Billa Code
Subtitle App
Building a Real-Time Chat Application with Node.js, Express, and Socket.IO
Dimuthu Wickramanayake
NextJS — Basics to start
Dimuthu Wickramanayake
Creating a live streaming application using Node Media Server and FFMPEG (OBS as the streamer)
Dimuthu Wickramanayake
WasteGO — Use Machine Learning to identify the image uploaded to S3 (Python, Flask, Neural…
Dimuthu Wickramanayake
WasteGO — Object detection using Eden AI to identify the image uploaded to S3 (Waste Share App)
Dimuthu Wickramanayake
WasteGO — Flutter App to take a photo and upload to AWS S3 via Go and Gin API (Waste Share App)
Dimuthu Wickramanayake
WasteGO — Flutter App to create a waste item (Waste Share App)
Dimuthu Wickramanayake
WasteGO — Flutter App connecting to backend api
Dimuthu Wickramanayake
WasteGO — Connecting GO & Gin with Postgres (Waste share App)
Dimuthu Wickramanayake
WasteGO — Creating a GO API with Gin (Waste share App)
Dimuthu Wickramanayake